Our aim when we started this project was to design something that could become the most commonly owned transport device in the world and we think we may be on to something. That is such a bold statement as to be laughable but read on and feel free to let us know what you think. Read More

This may seem a little off topic but it is a bit of an explanation of why early adopters that take a punt on new technologies play such a vital role in a modern economy.
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Regulations are an interesting dilemma for companies that produce inventions that legislators and regulators didn’t foresee. If companies chose to only do things that regulations allowed there would never be bold innovation.
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It is generally accepted that bicycles are safe enough to use on the road so our focus was to make a vehicle that is safer than the normal bike.
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“Undignified riding position,” “overly complicated,” “intolerably inefficient,” “expensive,” “nothing more than a passing fancy,” “no chance of success,” “distasteful”…interestingly these criticisms are about what we now call a normal bicycle on its introduction in 1885 (“Bicycle – The History”, by David Herlihy).
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